He’ll be waiting by the entrance to the camp, usually in the middle of the river. Note that if you’re doing this quest after talking to Daniel and retrieving the items for him, you will need to travel back to the Sorrows Camp to find Joshua. If you wish, you can offer to talk to Joshua Graham about it. If you talk to him for a bit, he should mention that he’s considering leaving the Valley so that he can go out and see the rest of civilization. If you talk to him, he should ask you about what you’ve seen of civilization. You should be able to just travel back and find him back somewhere near the camp fire. Follows-Chalk will then walk back to the Dead Horses camp. You’ll probably need to talk to Follows-Chalk again after you finish up the first round of quests for Joshua Graham and meet up with Daniel in the Sorrows Camp. This one is a fairly simple quest, but it’s slightly hidden. Follows-Chalk - The Civilized Man’s Burden